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HTML Tutorial | Introduction part 1

Hi, I'm Golam Rabbani. Today I will discuss about html. This is HTML tutorial.

Greetings! How are you all? Hope everyone is well I have been present in you with website design. What is website design and what is the use of language, website is designed? That's what we'll see.

Generally, the basic structure for website design is HTML code.

The question is what is the HTML code?

HTML code is a code used to create any webpage.
The short word of the HTML word its fullness is,
HTML= Hyper Text Markup Language.
Tools = Notepad, notepad++, sublime etc
The rules for writing HTML code must first be known.
There are such letters or rules for writing each language. Just like there are some rules for writing HTML code.
Let's see the rules.
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Welcome to HTML</title>
 Hello world!
First of all, I am going to say that for writing HTML code, <html> to enter HTML code. One of these HTML tags is called HTML tags.
  1. In the first line, the DOCTYPE html line means to define the HTML file that we created as html5.
  2. HTML - The root part of HTML is the main part.
  3. Head - is the brain of HTML. If we imagine our head then we can understand, what is the matter? After any decision or thinking like our heads. We send the body as output. Just like that. There is a lot of work inside the head that controls the body.
  4. Title - Title is the name of a web page.
    The notable thing is that, as much as the contents of any HTML tag. The content will be the same as the content. </> Here / sign marks the end of HTML code.
  5. Body - Body is the editorial of all internal HTML editor.

Now we have to save our file. I saved it as html1.html. The important thing is that to save the HTML file, you must write .html after the file name. Which is called html file extension.

If we now run this code in any browser So what you see as the title Welcome to HTML and body part Hello world!

I hope everyone understands HTML related issues.
Thanks to everyone.

HTML Tutorial | Introduction part 1 HTML Tutorial | Introduction part 1 Reviewed by Golam Rabbani on November 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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